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Solid State Member
I'm new to all this so please excuse some of what you think are daft questions, but here goes with one of them:

How do I change this:

HTML file MUST have the extension .shtml

Its a script I need to put into my web site, but it says that before it will work I need to change from html to shtml, I'm presuming it will only be for that certain page with the script on it.
Just open the page in Notepad and click File, Save As. Put "pagename.shtml" (with the quotes) and click the Save button.
Or, change the file extention on your server.

If you have access to the server, you could change how it reads html and shtml files. But yes, FireFox is right. What is the script?
Hello raylu,

Its a banner rotation script I am trying to add to my site, it tells you exactly what to do, but its just the bit about changing the html page to shtml.

I do have access to my server its all in php, I don't even know yet how to locate the file that I want to add the script too, I'm very, very new at all this as you have probably guessed.:confused:

This is what it says:

Add following code into the HTML page that you want to display your banners:

Hint: Your HTML file MUST have the extension .shtml for this to work.

what I have tried is I changed my:

to read public_shtml

but that then only came up with an error.:(

I'm going to have to go to night school to try and learn this stuff!:eek:
The programme script is called:
Entropy banner
Its a free script from the hosting company I am using. Once I get the
and change "Your HTML file MUST have the extension .shtml for this to work". I can run it from my control panel from my hosting side.

The hosting company offers quite a few free scripts but they do not support them.
Ok, but when you create a webpage for your site, do you write out the HTML, or do you use a WYSIWYG or something?
The package comes with templates so if I want to change one I would use HTML.
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