ScreenShot and MsDos

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I tried to 'Print Screen' while playing MsDos based game on Windows XP and it didn't work. Then I tried SS program (Ultima Online Screenshot Utility) not working.

Game only works on full screen.

So does anybody know way to take SS in MsDos.

Tnx in advance
I think what your trying to say is the program only works in full screen so you can't access anything when in full screen mode? As guy said, find snagIt, then open and minimize it. Open your DOS game and when you are ready to take a snapshot while in fullscreen mode press ALT+Tab, a box will open while holding down ALT press tab key again till you have highlighted snag it to come in front of the full screen and take your best shot.
Print Screen is possible in Dos....

Try this ....

Ctrl + Prtscn


Alt + Prtscn

depending on which OS you plan on pasting it in.
@Ã…nubis: I play Ultima 6

and then the subject

@nastrodamus: trust me I tried everything. I even moved my toilet paper in bathroom to make this work :).

I managed to take screenie wiht snag-it (did it like kirk1701 told me) but preview was completely white. I saw pictures size though, so it took ss but something is wrong.
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