Rip off eBay Account suspension.


Fully Optimized
England, UK
Well I have apparently got an account with eBay and my account is apparently overdue by £2.26 on a MC197 Notice for unpaid fees.

Can anyone tell me if this is going to turn in to a problem as debt collectors with escalating fees and or is this just pure F****** bull S***. I have never bought or sold anything on Rip bay and have no intentions of doing so.
If it's on eBay's site and not in an email or something I'd pay it. I mean it's only $5. Now if you can prove it isn't yours (ie your account was broken into), contest the charge :tongue:
If it was through an email, then it's most likely a scam. If you attempted to log on to ebay via that email, then you most likely got hacked. Change your log on and password asap
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Yeah definitely check the sender.
Also my conversion rate is way off... $3.46 USD :tongue:
It was an email. I have kept the email but haven't followed any links. i have no intention of doing so either. I have never sold or bought anything of flea bay and have no intention of doing so. Also I'm thinking of closing the account tbh when I get around to it.
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