Regarding god saving the kittens-

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I found this hillarious.. not because I am an animal hater... I love animals and wouldnt hurt them... i think animal testing is wrong and animal cruelty is terrible.. but I know a joke when I see one... god some of you people either have no sence of humour or take everything you read at face value... in which case, i am holding the world at ransom and will destroy it unless you put money in my paypal account ;)

Lighten up people... my sense of humour is dark... so i can laugh at this without actually wanting an animal to be harmed!
OH GOOD GOD...Someone can this thread before I puke!

Foxy's post about fling'n cats (if true) is sick. If not true, is funny.

The fact that we say it's sick, and eat meat at the same time, does NOT make us hippocrates.

...anyway...given the aerodynamic properties of a cat...I think they could survive a 480 foot flight...If they could survive the initial throw...Could turn into a wonderful way to relocate lions in Africa...

Stop abusing your cats, TheMajor...Stop pushing them to attempted suicide with your sick consumption of meat!

LOL :)
I don't really care for cats, but if it needed a home or a nicer owner, then I'd care for it.
A trebuchet would be awesome to build but no to thorw living things...maybe plants, but not animals. Even if they would survive it, they'd have used 8 of their 9 lives while in the air (I don't believe thaat they have 9 lives; just sarcasm).
I only like big cats.

I built a trebuchet. Got it on my lower back porch. It's not very big (8 feet tall at the frame), but it can chuck an apple or a baseball pretty damn far.
oh but if you saw a cat getting thrown 480 ft. in a cartoon, like say Tom and Jerry... it would be funny! that mouse abuses the crap out of poor Tom, he doesn't know it's wrong to eat meat it's what he was born to do. you can tell an herbavore vs. an omnivore vs a carnivor by the teath in thier head and the manner in which food is digested... look at your own teeth, smile in the mirror and look at the meat shredding cutting teath in the front and the pulverizing ones in the back!! YOU WERE BORN TO EAT MEAT, and PLANTS!! (?? is this to go against my religion to deny myself meat??) it urks me, and no offence to anyone who chooses to live thier own lifestyle... and who am i to judge... so i try not to... but it gets to me (on my own level as far as my personal decisions go) when a choice is made to go against the form in which you were born... for instance, i believe men and women were born carnivors with an inteligence above that of the rest of the animal kingdom. in that a man and a woman are required for reproduction, i believe that's the way it should be, i believe that our inteligence grants us responsibilities to controll our consumption but not curb it... hey, we've all got our own views is my point, and that doesn't make anyone right or wrong...

i have to admit, i would have a major problem with a cat, kitten/any animal being thrown 480 + feet, but it was funny as hell when i first read it...

People keep in mind there is no voice inflection in text. and unless you make your point very clear it can be misread. case closed... it was a joke.

all in all, i thought it was a very funny joke, with a dark tone to it non the less, but funny
I have a friend who's a big-cat vet. Sometimes when she's in the area and has time, she let's me come over and see the cats she works with. It's cool. Nervous, but definately cool.
I was watching Animal Police on Animal Planet, and they receieved a call that a tenant at an apartment saw cats being thrown out the top story window. They investigated the person upstairs and arrested them. Some guy like in the next town over took two cats and tied them up with strings and swung them around like numbchucks. He got arrested.
or a 4x4 pickup truck
or the local vet.
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