print shop 3.0 deluxe


Baseband Member
I just purchased this program. I needed it fast so I didn't bother to check reviews first. I also have an older version on my xp machine that is awesome. I figured if one was the other would be also. WRONG! I should have known something was up right away. I couldn't even enter any text into the text box. All it took to fix that was basically shutting down the program and starting it again. I then tried to use guidelines to align a couple of objects. I have the rulers visible, so all I should have to do is click on the ruler, hold the mouse button down and drag the line where I want it. Instead, when I drag the mouse across the page a line might appear but it will turn into a box depending on how I drag the mouse. It also disappears as soon as I let go of the mouse button? Any ideas, or is this just a garbage program?

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