Port Forward question

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Baseband Member
ok so here's the scenario...

i'm hosting a few Teamspeak servers and have followed the tutorial i got in this section: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Netgear/WGR614v6/TeamSpeak.htm
i forwarded the correct ports along with a few others(8767,8768,8769,8770)...i forwarded all of these in one section of the router configuration thing. (starting port: 8766, ending port: 8771) now i have 2 problems though...

1. sometimes my friends have trouble getting on their server! they either can't get on at the time or have to spam excessively in order to get a successful login...i was wondering what might be the problem here? does it have to do with forwarding each port seperately?

2. also i have tried to setup an FTP thing but when i forward port 21...nobody can still connect! my friend says he just gets an error and timed out connection!

also, is it healthy to forward and trigger the same port at the same time? b/c i do this with some of my ports particulary the teamspeak ones(8767-8770)
I have an FTP server set up and I only port forward port 21 and it works just fine
i have 2 sections in my router config...port forwarding and port triggering! which should i be using? or should i be using both? or is it bad to use both at the same time?
For this type of service I believe you want to use Port forwarding.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think of it this way:

Port forwarding is for a permanent connection from the outside so anyone and any time can connect in.

Port triggering is only open when an application from the inside is accessing it.
Port-forwarding creates a static entry to a specific computer; you would want to use it for example: When you have a web server behind the NAT router and you don't want to expose port 80 to other computers.

Port-triggering exposes port 80 to every computer, itÂ’s easier to setup because you just tell the router to open this port when itÂ’s trigger from an outside source. So port-triggering is a faster and easier to setup if you have many computers behind the router that need these ports open instead of using port-forwarding for every computer. Like 2 or more computer using Torrent, port-triggering would be a good idea.
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