PC Gaming Christmas Gifts...

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CECS Major
Louisville, KY
OK, it is like 2 days until Christmas and I must say I am looking foward to it quite a bit and since I am burning time until the 25th, I figured why not start a thread where we can all kind of "come together" and talk about what we hope for, are recieving, or what we are buying ourselves for Christmas within the PC gaming realm. As for myself, my PSU became a bit overworked and cooked itself, so I got an early present as a new Cooler Master 450w PSU. Also, I am hopeful that someone will have it in their heart to get me COD 2 for PC. That's 'bout it from me-

I got all my parts for my gaming computer last week, theres alittle early xmas gift for myself. My parents got the z-530 and FEAR for me. Both of those are useless because i have to RMA my power supply. I hope to get a new mouse and maybe a cd, but i doubt im getting those. My list had a whopping 3 items on it compared to my sisters 2 pages. :p
I got my present, a hyundai l72s lcd monitor. My old one was a 1994 dell POS, it made clunking noises and sometimes would blind you with a white light, like a camera flash. I'm glad i got rid of that thing.

Im not sure, but if I get any cash I MIGHT upgrade my video card, it would have to be an AGP card so im thinking 6800gs, since it appears they stopped making an AGP gt.
lol for christmas i am getting a 6600 vid card and a nec dvd burner from my parents, and also with my christmas money i am saving i am looking into a new processor and mobo
Dang! You guys (or girls) are getting some nice stuff! I am also (hopefully) getting a PSP but I didn't say that in my 1st post because it dosn't have much to do with PC gaming, hehe.

Im hoping to get a Saitek Eclipse, a Logitech MX518, and Silent Hunter III. I borrowed my cousin's copy for awhile, loved it, but now he wants it back :( O well. Id also like to get myself an OCZ Powerstream
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