New to me imbedded internet popups

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Baseband Member
Ok I am sure this a pretty old issue but I still use IE6/7. When I am on certain forums there is hightlighted underlined text in the posts that when you roll over it with your cursor will create the most anoying popup that freezes the computer for a few seconds. If you know what I am talking about can you tell me if there is a way to disable it? Thanks,
Cant disable it. That is word advertising used by sites like Neowin and so on. That is how they advertise. IE doesnt have the proper adblocking to be able to disable it. Would need a different browser.

You may be able to use something like AdBlock for IE which is a alpha port of the AdBlock from firefox. But i dont think it will stop what your talking about.
Disable javscript at least for that page, or better yet, all pages except those that you have specifically allowed. I don't know if IE allows this sort of configuration but that is what you are looking for.

EDIT: ninja'd
Ahh forgot about disabling Java. That is a good call kmote. That would work, but at the same time you would have to manually allow each site you do want.
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