My HJT Log

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On Tuesday two weeks ago. If I could remember and looking at the calendar its either the 5th or the 12th. First minidump file I had was the 11th of February. (If I remember coorectly) But then ccleaner deleted all of them. Here's what happened: I left my laptop, Went to school came back and it was in the bsod. I was like "ummm what happened" then I rebooted and got another. I then could tell something was wrong. I fiddled around with it then it would boot occasionally and then after I could boot I came here for help. :happy: That's pretty much it.

Is it terrible? I am just wondering whats really wrong.
How many sticks of ram do you have? Is it possible for you to take one out and see how it goes and then if it happens again, try the other one?
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