Man held after ad campaign triggers Boston bomb scare

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I was talking about this with my old man this morning when I stopped at the rents house before work... we had a chuckle about it, and when he heard about it, he was talking to my brother about ATHF, and he wants to watch it now... lol.

He made a good point too... pay a couple million in fines, and sell ad spots during the show breaks for tens of millions.... all about advertising.
when I stopped at the rents house

Jesus it that freakin hard to put PA before that crap? I have a friend that said that about a year ago and want to bash him for it. RENTS is such a retarded way to say 'parents'

what the heck is with people shortening already short words? IT'S TWO FUGGIN SYLLABLES!
Not too sure why I put it that way...I don't often abbreviate that word... oh well... lol.

So, I was listening to the radio this morning on my way to work, and they played an audio clip of the 2 guys that got arrested talking to reporters..... I was laughing nearly to the point that I was in tears (at a red light of course). Their Time Warner lawyer was there, and just let them talk. All these guys were talking about were hair-do's, and their origins... The reporters asked if they are taking this matter seriously, and one of the guys responds with something along the lines of, "of course, I am thinking about growing my dreadlocks down around my knees". The reports asked something to the lawyer, and he said "I advised my clients not to discuss that days events"... I will have to try to find an audio clip after work.
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