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I tried it once two years ago, and the project died
1. Because I sold my PC when I got my Mac (not by choice, either).
2. I didn't have enough experience compiling the kernel/getting all the proper packages and compiling them.

So, if you've recompiled your kernel before and feel comfortable putting all the other necessary packages together, go for it. But be forewarned that it can be a bit daunting.
I had tried the same a couple of years back but had to leave it in between cuz of work. I never touched it again. Though i would be willing to get it done now that I have time off my work schedules and on weekends.

The core of linux is its kernel. You need to know what you are going to use your linux box for (general purpose, specific purpose etc), get all modules and then compile the kernel. You would also want to compile a boot loader so you can boot the system once deployed.

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