Illustrator wrap/fit all text in text area

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! Whitey !

Baseband Member
Hi All,

I am making web banners using Illustrator (using data sets) and I would like my text to automatically resize to fit the text area. I have looked everywhere and I cannot find anything!

I know how to make the text go on a new line etc... but I don't want it to overflow, I just want the font to resize or something?!

Does anyone have any ideas?




All I can find on the subject of wraping text is how to wrap text around objects, but this isn't what I need.
Not sure what you're doing, and I'm no Illustrator expert myself, but whenever I create a text area the text will auto-wrap to the drawn area. Make sure you're drawing a text box area with the tool and not single clicking. If you single click then you will have no box and the text will not be limited to an area.
Hi Synergy,

I am drawing a box rather than just single clicking. The text does wrap itself horizontally and then it overflows vertically when the text is too much. I want it to have no overflow and to resize the font accordingly to it fits into the box.


I think you just have to mess with the font size until you get no overflow. I don't think there's any other way to get the font to stay within the confines of the box. Different fonts will act differently as well. 12pt. font in one style will be much larger than 12pt. font of a different style.

If all else fails you could enlarge the text box to encompass all the text, then create outlines from it, and finally scale it down to your original desired size. You will lose the ability to edit that text after that point though.
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