I need a GAME!

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I recently bought spore and it blew.. soo now i am on a mission to get a beter game to play.
I am considering farcry 2 and crysis warhead.. which of these do you think would be best and if you have any other suggestions please feel free to tally in.. I enjoy FPS games and RTS..
farcry 2 is decent. if youre one of the lucky ones that don't crash. I can't play it for more than 30 min at a time, so i gave up on it
fallout 3 is fun, and I don't crash, but apparently lots of others do. It's an rpg though. It might be in first person view (or third, but third sucks) but it isn't nearly as fast paced or exciting as an FPS.

Warhead is a bloody great game all around. it's a bit short though.

You can always try red alert 3. though I hear it's pretty bugged too :/

new games suck these days lol
Get Crysis Warhead at circuit city for like 23.99, this is a steal considering how much content the game has multiplayer wise.

You may not like Farcry 2 since it gets generally mixed reivews, along with the RTS game Red Alert 3. If you have the system to handle it I would definatley recommend Supreme Commander for the RTS Category. Keep in mind Fall out 3 is NOT an FPS as do all the reviews state this, so if your going to get that then dont go under the false impression that its an FPS game. Its a hybrid FPS/RPG game which weights heavily on the RPG aspect.

Warhead it is.
woo hoo.. Maybe i can go pick it up tonight.
Anyone know what kind of FPS i will get with a 4850 will it be really low?
No it should be fine. Your card is faster than mine and I get decent frames with high settings.
true, but given all the bugs that everyone has been talking about. I think FC2 is a game that I will wait a month or two to buy off amazon for half the price. $50 for all those bugs and the stupid AI just isn't worth it to me.

You guys have been great with helping me though. many kudos to you guys.
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