Hellgate London

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well, i just watched the gameplay videos so i guess i shouldnt talk.

I guess ill try the demo out since it wont hurt! and btw...world in conflict is an amazing game, i just finished the single player mode.
well, i just watched the gameplay videos so i guess i shouldnt talk.

I guess ill try the demo out since it wont hurt! and btw...world in conflict is an amazing game, i just finished the single player mode.

yup just give the demo a try and let us know if you still not interested in the game??....no harm trying...:laughing: enjoy!!
I USED to like wow a lot. Now im just sick of all the crap the blizzard keeps putting in the game. Their inability to balance classes, forcing you to spend 40 hours a week in raids if you want the best gear. I get really ocd about leveling though, thats why i have lots of high levels.
yeah it's a cool game. I still need to subscribe, are the benefits really worth it?

worth it onot is depend on u...some think it is some think it is not...check out the benefit that you will received from subscription then u measure is it worth the value...well in fact to me i like to play but no much time to play...sigh...so the subscription might not worth it for me...since i'm not playing it all the time...it will be quite wastefull...
I USED to like wow a lot. Now im just sick of all the crap the blizzard keeps putting in the game. Their inability to balance classes, forcing you to spend 40 hours a week in raids if you want the best gear. I get really ocd about leveling though, thats why i have lots of high levels.

so most of your character got the best gear then...since u spend so much effort in it...
Nah i have one toon that is fully geared out, and 3 70s that are really neglected.
As for hellgate, i really cant see it being a game i'll play enough to subscribe to.
Another thing, anyone have lag problems on the servers? That's one of the main things pushing me away from subscribing =[.

veedub, i'm assuming you're on some serious cooling to be oc'd like that haha.
TRUE-120 with a scythe s-flex fan. I'm also not technically stable as i cant run orthos/prime without errors. BUT and heres the thing. I have yet to crash while gaming or doing any daily tasks. I did get a BSOD last night though because i tried to lower the voltage a bit more and well...i pushed it a hair too far. 3.6ghz at 1.3V doesnt fly.
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