Guys I've got a stupid question but I need to ask ..


Fully Optimized
England, UK
So the thing is lately I have been buying memory for system upgrades across my network but this has dumb founded me when I actually look at the process and whats involved.

So doing a memory upgrade. I go to Amazon and purchase the correct type such as DDR2 or DDR3 with the given clock speed making sure I purchase the correct trype and speed for my system.

Now installing the memory in the motherboard. Its like when you hear that click and its seated correctly. Say you have went from 4Gib to 8Gib on a DDR3 upgrade.

Whats dumb founded me is the simple nature of hardware upgrades.

Its when you say, "I'm busy doing a memory upgrade for my system running DDR3 from 4Gib to 8Gib and then gonna boot the system and make sure its detected."

We all know the simple nature of a memory swap out or upgrade but when you put it certain ways like above as I've been thinking about what kman has said lately about the general folk who know nowt then its just well ... fuk me.

Everyday I live and breath this on my network but man kman I'm with you on the points you have made lately about the average people you work with.

Thing is its like WOW. :omg:

Another thing as well, I'm getting the build bug coming up my back. So thinking of building a budget system for the pleasure of it.
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