grad school

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I just completed my degree in Chemical Engineering from India. My GPA hovers around 3.1, i would like to switch to Computer Science. can you guys tell me of grad schools in the US and Canada which offer bridge courses to switch to CS.
finding a computer school

by bridge courses... you mean courses that transfer or bode well for your background (coming from chemical engineering) ?

The "US and Canada"... that's a lot of schools :)
I would say you need to "narrow" your area first.

We are running this site (its not done) but it could offer some help

computer schools

I'm currious, why do you want to get a CS degree... after your chem. eng one?
I wanted to move to CS, and some schools have a requirement of having done CS at the BS level. that is why i was looking for schools were the requirement was not that strict, or they were willing to take on non CS students.

why do you ask why i want to do CS after doing chemical engineering. CS has a better future, does it not?

thanks for the link, Larry, i will check it out, and post to it
Does CS offer a bette future?.... well, coming from me... I would say yes... Actually I would say get a MIS degree, instead of CS.

IMO, a MIS person can do the job of a CS major, but not vise-versa. Simply because most MIS majors are in the 'business' school and CS is in the science school.

MIS will learn to program.... but maybe not as in depth as CS.

Reason for me asking why changing degrees.... Because, no matter the money... YOU HAVE to love what you do.

money does not make you happy, it just makes life easier.
MIS and CS are not related, except for dealing with computers :)

As far as I know... neither have pre-reqs.
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