game consoles suck!!

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"Far Cry, the tropical first-person shooter for the PC, redefined real-time graphics with wide open environments, realistic vegetation and water and an unprecedented view-distance."

notice it says VIEW DISTANCE and not draw distance. No matter what the PC will always be better or get better...Physicly. Can you modify a 360 case?? can you you put a drink holder/cigarette lighter in it? go here its the flexibility of the PC that makes it great, you get a console and you stuck with the same thing just different games, lets not forget that the games made for the 360 are made on a PC.
um, no... the earlier iterations of them were. They now used whats called a debug kit. They first were on PC, Mac to be more precise, and where considered the beta kits (a souped up Mac), then they got the final hardware debuging kits. THIS is what is used to make the games. As far as putting a drink holder or lighter? Why? You can mod an xbox, you know, but I never really had the urge to do so. Now it is true, the PC will eventually catch up and surpass the hardware of the 360. Usually by then, however, the new console will be released within a year (4 years or so). There is much you have to learn about console architecture, and not just hardware, but also how its o/s and tools are geared for nothing more than game power.
i know you can mod an x-box but with a lot of messing around and most of them arnt legal (mod chip) have you ever pulled apart an x-box? its like 3 f_ing layers of casing and its a pain to put it back together, but as for the pc "eventualy" surpassing the hardware of the 360, it already has. And the lighter/drink holder is just an example of the flexibility of a pc and how far you can go to mod them. Im sorry people but the arguement that the console is better than the PC is just not credbile, Physicly theyre supperior . but as far as games go some are better on console for gameplay and some for PC in this way they canot be compaired.
do you know the difference between view distance and draw distance killians45? its all hype to make it sound like more than it is...
Sw1tCh[FX] said:
I'm not saying that its because of "akimbo", its just that many games long before Halo 2 offerd akimo weapons, eg. akimbo beretta's. UT, Max Payne, Max Payne 2, The Specialists, Action HL, Red Faction, UT2004, ugghhh, i can go on and on about what games had dual weapons before Halo 2. All i'm trying to say is that dual wielding was already in the 'mainstream' before Halo 2, and there is absolutly nothing new and exciting about being able to carry 2 guns in your hands at the same time because its already been used dozens of times in the past.

Im not talking about general dual wielding, I'm talking about the sudden surge in dual wielding. I meant Halo 2 introduced multiple variations of dual wielding such as a plasma pistol with a smg, where as most games before only dual weilded the same weapons (2 of the same pistols, 2 of the same machine guns) and I noticed a lot of people are wanting that style, I can't even count how many mods that put in games for that option.

I never said Halo 2 brought the first dual wielding to gaming and you guys missed my point. So you actually believe that Halo 2 did not increase the amount of games made or being developed that are offering dual wielding? I have seen and heard about many games now having it as one of their functions that are being developed and released after Halo 2 hits it's release.

Any very popular game will introduce or enhance elements into a game genre so you are going to see more FPS with dual wielding in it.
This topic has been covered soooo many times, and it all comes to the same conclusion - PC's are Physicly superior, but for game-play they cannot be compaired and so on....just go back and read this whole topic and its the same questions asked and answears given. Can we just forget about it?
Sw1tCh[FX] said:
Now thats just stupid. Pistol and SMG? gimme a break.

Have you even played Halo 2? The plasma pistol can charge up and destroy their sheild instantly leaving them vulnerable to your smg, this combo is very effective.
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