Forum posting

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Solid State Member
How do you all feel about forum posting and website traffic correlation? Do you feel like forum posting and the traffic it convert is worth the time?
What do you mean? Posting on forums with a sig in order to generate traffic to your website??? Sure, that can bring you traffic if you want in relevant forums and you do it a lot. To keep getting that traffic, you have to keep posting, and post a lot.
It is a lot of time and effort that might well be better spent doing SEO on your website. The traffic you get from forums would die as soon as you stop posting.
I own a paid forum posting company, and for this reason I know hundreds of forum boards that were our customers as well. I can say that a forum board can be an effective way to build recurring traffic. By the way, it's up to the admin's skills to keep the forum quality high and raising interest among members. For instance, when someone hire our services when having a forum with no posts our task is to write interesting threads to promote discussions among visitors (and generate traffic with seo-wise posts). When a forum is already started but is lacking visits, then our work is to "revive" the forum with quality posts.

And yes, this is able to create money-worth traffic on the long run :) (don't expect results to come the day next of course!)
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