fight night 3 wat the?

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wats the go with fight night 3 looking like crap compared to fight night round 2 on xbox1? the boxers look plastic and the graphics pass through each other (one boxers hand goes through the others) a lot! the crowd is absolutely pathetic and it looks like an old master system game if you only consider the backgrounds and textures etc. the only thing i can say is half decent but probly in all fairness similar to fight night round 2 is the gameplay. even fight night 1 is easier on the eyes but i think they made a mess of the 3rd in the series .. wat r ur thoughts?
yeh i no the 360 version is looking good but when you get slow motion replays and probly about half of the rest of the time playing a game of it you see most of the audience in extremely pixelated and bold outlines. the fighters themselves arent as good as round 2 i dont think but im sure they must look better on the 360
Yeah, it looks amazing on the 360 (being played on a 52 HDTV). The audience doesn't look pixelated and the boxers look very life like down to the beads of sweat, and even freckles.
yeh i no its no good comparing xbox1 version to 360 version but if i could take a screenshot i would show you wat i mean.. if you read wat i originally wrote im saying that fight night 2 is way better looking than the latest whether or not that has anything to do with developing it for 360 i dont no but either way it looks like ****.. i hope all new games that are for xbox1 and 360 are not like this
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