F@H - Team TF Milestone Clubs

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we have so many ppl with high end gpu's here....
we really need to encourage the veteran users and the new users that come in.
Yeah not much interest here, unfortunately.

We could easily take on the larger forums with 50 guys folding on nothing but gpus.
Well if my GPU would start folding properly again, I'd be contributing more >.<... Posted on the F@H forums to see if I can get any help there. May try reinstalling my old drivers to see if that helps or not...
Well looks like today is going to be your 1 Million mark ric congrats :).

I got my net fixed a little earlier so I'm starting up again.
Yes, its finally time for me to hit the one million mark.

Well if my GPU would start folding properly again, I'd be contributing more >.<... Posted on the F@H forums to see if I can get any help there. May try reinstalling my old drivers to see if that helps or not...

Yup, i found you on there.
Winter is coming and a few more people will start folding. It would also help if F@H would fix their servers. I am loosing 2000-5000ppd from my GPU's waiting to get wu's. The team should be in the top 200 by X-mas. After that it will be a slow climb to the top 100. With out new people folding, we will never pass the top 100 since most of the top 100 teams all fold more PPD than we do.
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