dump of physical memory

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Solid State Member
my computer went to a screen giving hex location where a memory dump is occuring and it said it has to do with ALCXWDM.SYS.. it is a memory dump

can anyone please tell me what the deal is, is it my ram?
Here are my specs

win 2k
msi kt3 ultra motheboard
ge-force 4 mx 440
100gb Wd hdd
420 watt ps
512 pc2100 ram
amd athlon xp 2000

my computer used to restart a lot before. BUt that turned out to be a minidump error caused my NAV. I fixed that and it worked great for a long time till now. Now i get a actual screen with a message saying, phyical dump and all the other stuff above.
I have onboard sound with a msi 6 channel audio device..any other ideas, thanks a lot for your help!!!
msi kt3 ultra


This may help...

I have that motherboard and had similar problems. Turns out the driver that msi.tw listed a few months ago was different from the one that is there now for the on-board sound, or maybe the route to searching/clicking to it may have led to different files...or maybe i downloaded the one from the german site... I had real problems getting to their main/english site for a while at the time.

Anyway, I use the Realtek AC97 audio driver. There was another driver that wasn't labeled Realtek, and it worked for the on-board sound but I had crashing problems and getting it to recognize my rear speakers was an issue.

After getting the Realtek AC97 drivers on, I also turned down the hardware accel in sound properties, since it was chirping a bit while loading some games... Regardless, I just updated my drivers from their site and it works, so if you haven't done the driver update dance...this might help.


Oh, and fyi..many flavors-- KT3, KT3 Ultra, KT3 Ultra ARU, and KT3 Ultra2 which may have different drivers for the onboard stuff. Mine is the KT3 Ultra ARU 6380 E
Ok, I will try your ideas. Thanks a lot and if you can thank of anything else please post..Thanks again
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