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The amount of RAM is 4GB. If you've done the steps Mak suggested then are you sure you're running 64-Bit OS?

Post the properties of your computer (as in right click Computer and choose properties) but do not show your Product-ID.

Any particular reason your running your RAM in Ganged mode? For the best performance overall Unganged is better.

as for my ram being ganged, I had no idea about ganged and unganged ram. I read a little about it this morning before work. Thats changed in the bios, right?
no more suggestions about my ram?

OK, I went into RUN>msconfig>boot>advanced settings, clicked on max memory and typed in 4048(I now realize it's 4096) and now I'm showing 4 gigs ram, 3 gigs usable???? I don't get it??

Oh, and the only thing I can do in my Bios with ram is set the voltage. unless I completely missed something.
Check your BIOS is all we can suggest. As i pointed out in the linked thread there is a option in some BIOS's that have a setting. It is just like the Max setting you found under msconfig. There might be one in your BIOS as well. Check your manual to find out how to access the Advanced options to see if you have that setting.
Well, I was googling for other issues while I found this on a website called EggHeadCafe - The .NET developer's portal of choice. This was one reply to the same issue that I am having. It makes sense to me that this is the problem since windows installed what I needed to run everything, and when I did a search I found NO drivers for my motherboard for Win7.
Thanks for the help guys, hopefully Asus will come out with a proper driver, or windows comes out with an update.

haha, gues what this is a known issue by microsoft and a very common
issue with windows 7. I am having the same issue, upgrade from vista
(wich read all 6 gigs of my ram) to win 7 64bit wich sees all 6 gigs but
but only considers 3.5 gigs usuable. Yup thats right Windows 7 64 Bit
sometimes just cant get past that 3.5 gig memory limit.

After spending a week dealing with microsoft tech support on the phone
they considerd this issue unresolved and claim the are currently working
on an update to fix it.

according to the tech guy from microsoft, it is an issue with the bios
and the motherboard. all of you that are having this problem, it is
becuase something in windows 7 does not fully support either your mother
board or your bios or both. The memory mapping will do you no good. *
Unless you go out and buy the most latest motherboard, processor and
ram, you are going to continue to have this issue.* <-- Directly from
microsoft tech support.

To the guy that posted this "It also depends on exactly which version
of the board you have. There
are 3 editions of the PT880 Pro-A7 and the specs for 2 of them is only
2GB of RAM is supported. Now, even though they say only 2GB is
supported you may realize a bit more than that but not all 4GB. Dell
says my 1501 laptop only supports 2GB. With 4GB in the laptop Dell has
it configured so that Win 7 only sees 2.25GB."

Gues what? They lied to you. Their hardware is not fully compatible
with windows 7. That is why it only sees 2.25 gb.

So... since I have installed windows 7 64 bit, I have lost over half of
my ram (3.5gigs Unusable), I have lost the ability to print on any of
the 20 printers at my home and office (there are as of yet no drivers
for windows 7 64 bit on most printers), oh yeah, and the latest windows
update killed microsoft office.

Check out this screen shot of windows 7 64bit not passing the 3.5 gig
memory limit


*I want my money back.*
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