Difference between courses, Computer Science/Computer Engineering

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Over all the.... see the course out line.

Computer Engineering to means to be able to make new technology for computers. Where as computer science is putting those new technologies to (practical) use.

Therefore... Computer Engineering would be delevopment of the new UNREAL ENGINE 3, as where Computer Science would be using UNREAL ENGINE 3 for some sort of CAD/CAM work.
CISCO Engineering course are the best.

I have a relative that is on about £3000+ (about $5500 USD) a week, he is an Advanced Network Enginner/Technician or something, he has worked in New York and is now working in London.

He is on £75 per hour ($137 USD).
wow. that's crazy man. 75 pounds/hour? that's like 3750 pounds per 5 days if u werk 10 hours per day. my gawd!! r u kidding or wad? that's like SGD$45 000 per month. u cud be a millionare in 2 years. SWEET!! im wanna become 1.......
Not true at all man. I'm an engineer and deal with strickly software. Fact is, a computer "engineer" can deal with hardware or software. I program and develop as well as admin networks. It's not as "simple as that"

Computer Science is the general concept behind computers and technology. It is the "understanding" of computers and technology.
Computer Engineering is the construction or management of computers (software, hardware or networking).

Two TOTALLY different concepts.

What skills would someone with a Computer Engineering degree have, that somone with a Computer Science wouldn't? And vice versa.
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