crysis warhead wensday !!!

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Yeah I run 1600x1200 no aa/af, with a few things on minimum, most on mainstream, and shaders on gamer. That was at the end of the game because it gets more demanding. Maybe the fact that I have a CRT makes a difference for the vsync.?...
i play 1680x1050 everything enthusiast except shaders set to gamer, no aa

cant crank on the aa???

beat it earlier, the ending was kind of disappointing.

It was pretty short, shorter than cod4. I think ill go back and play it on harder settings with higher graphic settings once i do upgrade.
Hmm, the best combo for me so far is the drop to 1440x900 res (was playing at 1680x1050) with the 2xAA/2xAF and everything set to mainstream.

Vsync off. I havent played with the settings further cause i think im gonna reinstall windows.

changing settings again. I have Vsync on now, no AA, shadows minimum, motion blur off. Seems to go smoother, but now i keep getting flickering n my graphics card settings is back to default n fan is 40% increased. Why do i get flickering?
changing settings again. I have Vsync on now, no AA, shadows minimum, motion blur off. Seems to go smoother, but now i keep getting flickering n my graphics card settings is back to default n fan is 40% increased. Why do i get flickering?

My brothers system had some graphics issues running warhead on Enthusiast settings with the Catalyst 8.9 drivers on his HD 4850. Rolling back to the 8.8 drivers fixed it.
ok so im playing it now, im in the cave, i can say this is the best game ive played to date
the action never stops and always seems somehow fresh, and teh gfx are very apealing but it gets to a poitn where your so into the game u cant notice the gfx for them to take yoru breath away.
im runnign it at a solid 30 fps all dx10 settings enthusiast, i dotnt get, at 1280x1024, ya my res is low but its my native so it still loosk sexy :D also could a mod change the name of the thread to crysis warhead discussion.
+ the gfx are way better then the original crysis.

some of you may laugh but i finished it allready with in one day lol. one after noon eveni i started at 4 olock whent to 740 stoped till 10 then got back on till 12 and i finished it, gonna replay on a harder dificulty this game has alot more replay value then the first.
Finally got a chance to sink my teeth into it XD 1680x1050 all enthusiast 2xaa no af. Only part that gave me a bump or two so far is the hovercraft part (which is where i am right now) everythings moving so fast XD

great game for sure so far. definitely tops the original, quite easily. A shame it's so short as y'all are sayin :/
I can't get 1680x1050 on mine. The only option is like 1600x1024 which is still proportionally close, but still...
Finally got a chance to sink my teeth into it XD 1680x1050 all enthusiast 2xaa no af. Only part that gave me a bump or two so far is the hovercraft part (which is where i am right now) everythings moving so fast XD

great game for sure so far. definitely tops the original, quite easily. A shame it's so short as y'all are sayin :/

there is a slower scene on a trai, but you will definatly understand why, only scene where i was pushing 18 fps the ice part i had 25.
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