Connect my laptop to my router

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I have a IBM PII laptop and I am trying to connect it to the internet. It seems the cable that come with 3Com laptop NIC card is much smaller than the ones on my desktop.

Do I need to get a converter in order to plug my laptop to my router? It says "No internet connection" after I plugged my laptop cable to my rounter.

Can someone help? Thx.
You should have a standard RJ45 going from your router to the laptop NIC.
Need more details about the error message.
Discusman said:
It seems the cable that come with 3Com laptop NIC card is much smaller than the ones on my desktop.
Doesnt that say it doesnt fit? Check your NIC's driver also. And give more info
You missed the detail about the jack in your origional message...
Cable <> Jack ;)

Well good, at least you figured it out.
Ok, I couldn't find any adaper or converter for my NIC card. Could someone give me some advice? I am trying to connect the cable with my cable modem. But the Jack on the cable is very small (more like a phone jack). What do I need in order to make this work? Thx
I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for...
Your laptop NIC (I've installed in the past) requires a RJ45 cable not a phone cable.

Just a sec... (a few minutes pass) I just took a look at the link you sent - above - and that kind of NIC is meant for a 56K modem. Unless you gave us the wrong link?

You may have purchased the wrong NIC.

Give me more detail and I'll try to assist you the best I can...
The link is correct. That bidder is me.

So you were saying I purchased wrong NIC?

I don't know about laptop. For desktops, NIC card means the card that allow you connect to cable modems, not 56k phone line modem.

I am assuming it's the same for laptops.
Discusman just to be clear did you buy this one:


or this one:


there should be no adapter needed and it really sounds like you bought a modem instead of a lan card. the connector on the cable should not be smaller.
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