computer tech-good job?

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Re: Re: computer tech-good job?

Silesia said:
The computer techie market is rather flooded. Like I built my first computer when i was the age of 19 (1996). But now days with computer so easy to build, I have seen people as young at 9 years old (2003) build a computer and configure an OS.

When I was in HS they offered no computer classes. Past a typing class, which sucked. Now, my sister is signed up for an intro to networking class and can also get into a Windows OS class or Computer repair class.

Kids are learning this stuff much earlier now. They have to, really. The advantage we had not too long ago is weakening. The competition for these jobs is going to get very tough, very quick.
Silesia said:
It a cute thoat industry out there. I need all the perks (and dumb customers) out there.

Actually, I think there has only been one time in my current job (4th year now) where I did that. And the situation was that it was going to be quicker to sell the customer a new motherboard as appose to waiting the typical 2 weeks (which at the time was getting close to a month) for an RMA to come back.

I don't care if you think it's a cut throad industry or not - that's totally lame man. None of us is perfect is here but I do respect people who can admit to their wrong-doings and apologize for it rather than throw some lame BullSh*T excuse and justify their behavior for it. There is no justifcation for consumer fraud/deceit/lies etc. I've been on the receiving end of that before and I can tell you it definitely irks me to no end.

Oh and telling Blankbandit some great news about how the tech market is flooded is really some fine posting there. Replying based on your narrow view of the Australian job market does some good when you post so accurately.
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