Camera video looks bad on pc

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Solid State Member
I got my brand new kodak zi8 hd camcorder. I brought because at the store the videos on the phone looked AMAZING. but then when i got home and transfered them to my pc theyre all jerky. I tried the 1080p on my friends brand new macbook pro and it looked horrible. Back home on my laptop the 720p/60fps is incredibly jerky but when uploaded to youtube it looks like this...
YouTube - Forward Flip
which looks ok WAY better than in quicktime. Im using a regular 4gb sandisk memory card and im not sure what the write speed is but do you guys think it might be too slow and thats why it looks so bad in 1080p? or is the camera just crappy? I have to return it tommorow if im goin to slow please answer soon...

btw im running windows xp
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