Anti virus


In Runtime
Simple question please, with all that is going on around us at the moment.

As a simple/basic home pc user, do I need anything other than what is built in to Windows 10 to give me the protection I need.

I have 'Automatic Updates' switched on all of the time.

Many thanks.
I only use what comes with Windows plus Malwarebytes free and Cryptoprevent although I am using a fully updated Windows 10. The short answer is that you will get a load of opinions but no-one really knows. All I will say is that I wouldn't pay for an antivirus program or an anti malware program but then you do have to be prepared to run and update those programs manually on a regular basis. My other protection strategy is to keep all my important files on a couple of huge hard drives (3 Tb each) and not connect them to my computers until I need them. Not foolproof I know but then nothing is in the digital world.
Long time fan of Avast, but i have recently started using Microsofts own anti virus software, Defender.
It has gotten much more powerful since it was known as MSE.
And i got tired of Avast's self promotion.
I've got Avast but I'm going to remove Avast as Microsoft has actually improved Windows Defender with Windows 10. On my Plex PC that runs Windows 10 I run Malwarebytes as I download a fair bit and I've run into some trouble so Malwarebytes Premium is used for that.
I just started using Bitdefender's free version, but was a long time Eset user before. I have MSE on the other computers in the house.
Sorry to push in to this thread but I couldn't find a post new thread option??
It is about anti virus though - sort of...
Basically I wanted to install Avast on my Win 7 pro machine. I downloaded the
exe file, clicked on it and then clicked on run. All as I've down many times before, but now the little wheel turns round, then nothing. I tried several times, including as Administrator, all to no avail. Checking further I got a message saying windows couldn't access SFX archive, probably because of a corrupted installer, download again. I tried several times, same result.
I then tried to install the downloaded driver for my HP printer, this also failed to install the program. So I assume it is a windows installer that is playing up, not an installer specific to Avast or HP?
Sorry to be so vague but I' tried to explain as best as I could.
I also apologise for gate crashing this thread, please move it if it needs to be
listed as a new thread.
Thanks for reading, any help appreciated.
Not sure if this will work, but try avast's uninstaller tool, avastclear.
It will erase every trace of it. (the failed installation might set some registry settings or what not). Then try again.

Yup, Avast should be good even on the free version. The problem is microsoft forcing me to use their bad defender on windows 10. Could turn it off, but its not permanently.
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