Age of Conan Thread

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nice ^^ yeah i went to EB earlier today and pre-ordered the CE again. They still had some. comes with mammoth, bag and 3day early access. Amazon messaged me back and said they werent doing it for canada lol. So i just cancelled that.
Ordering from EB saved me 20$ shipping anyway lol. Rhino woulda been nice but the early access only thing I cared about anyhow ;p

edit~ oh snap, y'all get the beta news e-mail? EPIC ending to the beta starting may 10th. I dunno if im suppose to post info or not so here's the link Epic ending to the Age of Conan Open Beta - Age of Conan Forums

man im pumped i kept the game client lol
I ended up picking up the preorder from best buy. Gamestop (EB) was sold out of CE preoprders, and best buy is closer for when i go to pick up. The best buy preorder comes with the rhino, 8slot bag and early start anyway. What annoys me though is that they wont let me use my discover card to reactivate my account. So now i have to order a new visa card from my bank. I shredded the last one :(
lol i want your pre-order instead of mine XD I'll probably end up using a horse anyway. i hate slow. very impatient when it comes to travel time. having a huge gameworld rocks, but taking 1 or 2 hours just travelling where you need to go is such a bother XD
i'd say theres only gonna be a small portion of canadian subscribers >.> EB canada around here said they still had lots of CE pre-orders left lol. well small in comparrison the the US i mean. of course theres the whole population thing as well i guess lol. havent quite got polar bears interested in PC gaming yet.
Supposedly the rhino is a fast mount. At least according to the box. But i mainly want the extra storage space being that i'm a huge packrat. Can't use a mount until level 40 anyway :(
haha true. And I know what you mean about packrat. and trust me youll need the bag >.> the inventory space is tiny. ran out of room in the first 5 levels (30-45min) lol, was actually a bit disappointing.
course im used to needed multiple equipment sets to swap for diff situations lol. Don't think it'll be the same with this game. luckily theres a seperate inv for quest items so that takes some of the pressure off.
moneys going to be a huge issue while the economy gets started/stabilized so being able to carry as much vendor junk to sell off as possible will be handy.
Remember when we get to 40 our mounts will offer addition inventory space. and if you pre order with EB/gamestop you get the inventory belt. Yes i got my codes and my status at my account page says i get the Mammoth and the belt, as well as the XP ring and Drinking cape from my CE.

*i also got that epic beta email the night after i uninstalled my client, and i am too lazy to reinstall it so let me know how it goes.

I reinstalled the beta client, the ending even looks too cool. At least i have 5 13's to play with
haha, caved huh? XD i just did priest of mitra or whatever today. 1-10 sucked horribly lol. after 10 priest was pretty tough though. was fun after that. curing was absolutely useless though lol i got 4 13's. demo is 5 but spent most of the time dying >.> so gave up on it.
days go by so slow when you're really waiting for something XD
Did anyone already have a funco account when they tried to register their preorder key? It wont let me freaking add the subscription because it says that MY username is already taken.
May 10th they are switching the servers to PVP and boosting all characters to level 20. This should be fun and I'm really starting to enjoy this game the more I play it.
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