Age of Conan Thread

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They look like a pretty good on vee XD I just hit 23 though lol. Hardly an old timer ; ;
On a side note finally got ventrillo workin lol. i've never bothered using it before. I have no clue what half the sound settings mean XD Hardly an audiophile. Although the free gaming headset /w mic i got with my 8800 ages back is actually pretty clear. Quite surprised. Uncomfortable bulky headset though. Shame cause it has amazing sound and some serious USB powered bass. Meh, might take a look into that razor headset.

Got a reply from KoD, just waitin on interview setup. This last 5 days is gonna drag on so slow.

Usually i'd just watch 2 or 3 anime series to kill the week but i don't feel like doing anything after that beta and all the readin i've done haha.
yeah I had to e-mail them about it. She sent me a reply the other day but I didn't get it. hotmails been acting funky for the last few days :S. meh.

i think the first day is gonna be rough lol but i'm pretty confident it's gonna rock.

on that note if purolator doesnt bring my **** package soon imma have to start bustin heads before the 17th.

edit~ woo mailman finally came XD man this card is heavy. O_O
give that guild i posted a look, they are going pve server and seem mature. Plus a main goal of theres is to get a city up and running asap.
I got authorized this morning for the early pre-release download and its going really slow. 9 hours later and its only 16% done.
IF you bought the preorder, you can register it and pay an extra 5 bucks to download/start playing early. The go live day is this saturday (for preorders)
How sad...

You all know im going to preorder it right now :D.. and watch my PC cry in mercy of this rediculous game.

I'm jealous. I really want to play :(
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