8800GTS Power Supply Question

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Space Ninja Pirate
Winona, MN
My current system is listed in my sig. My question is will my 550W power Supply be enough shoudl I upgrade to a 8800GTS and a 5000x2 processor in the near future?
ok ive redirected about 4 ppl now to this sticky on power supply's and how much you really need.

@moderators: I think that sticky should have gone into the high performance section instead of the general, because this is where everyone keeps asking about how much power they need.
Thanks much. pending a possible move, I was planning on getting those 2 upgrades and it is nice to knwo my PSU can handle it (and then some apparently) Awesome thread btw.
@moderators: I think that sticky should have gone into the high performance section instead of the general, because this is where everyone keeps asking about how much power they need.

the thing is there are already like 5 (not including the guidelines and announcement) stickys on this forum and they are starting to take up a fair amount of space at the top of the page. if you fancy re-arranging the stickys so they don't take up so much space i'll be glad to move it ;). as is i think it belongs in general anyway as it is a general topic.
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