Words that need to vanish before it's too late...

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Yeah, Pwned needs to die.

emo stuff? Uh he said a word, not a type of person. What is with everyone and hating emo people. It's getting sad. I hope all of you know what that stands for. you are all emo, so there.
emo = whiney little bltches....true theres a lot of them here, but in emo it's like "ehhh....whys my life gotta be this way...ehhhh"

anyone remember the old words people used, specifically in gaming anyway.

Llama was used a lot back in the days I played TFC, basically noob or camper of it's time

'owned' in general needs to go first, be it spelled correctly or 'pwned' it just needs to go.

Seeing people quote someone and then saying 'pwned' as their post is getting tiresome.
I don't know if this is nation wide or not, but in California, there are some people that say "hella." Or for the people uncomfortable saying the H-E-double hockey sticks, say "hecka."

It is the most horrible word in existence and must die.
AGREED 100...no 200%!!

oh man, I forgot about that word...it's not used like it used to be, in which EVERYONE was saying it constantly, but it is the dumbest most ignorant word devised.


who the hell thought of that!?

GEH! I'm enraged now just thinking of it! **** YOU IDIOTEC!
Why is it southpark covers every single issue that we will ever come across, even stuff as trivial as the overuse of the word hella? It's scary that such a toilet humour show can actually bring up so many realistic points :p
Like...like oh my GOSH!! I was like....totally like....falling when I like...fell down into the like...lake....then I was like...all wet...and like...well, like...well...i got a cold, and like..i got was sick...and sneezing like..yea, man. it was like...hell, man...i don't knoe what it was like.
Nubius said:
emo = whiney little bltches....true theres a lot of them here, but in emo it's like "ehhh....whys my life gotta be this way...ehhhh"

^ yea, die, die, die!

and anyone who tries to impersonate FPS_doug
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