Why my fps is so low.

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Baseband Member
Is my CPU slowing me down I use the preferred graphics that source gives you to run Cs:s and i still get 10-15 fps even with everything on low. The more people thatget in the worst it gets. I think its my CPU because everything else is up to Par.

Celeron 2.0Ghz
ATI Radeon 9600
512 MB Pc2700 DRR
Foxconn 661-M03 Mobo
Maxtor 40 GB HD 7200 RPM

Hel me please. Its not my ping ..it slows down even on LAN.
It just about HAS to be your processor, but I've got an AMD Athlon 2500+ 2ghz processor with a 9800 PRO on my PC and I can run CS Source with max details and no slowdown....

Is it just the normal 9600, the SE, PRO, or XT version?

If it is the normal 9600 or SE, those 2 cards aren't very powerful and may be the reason your games aren't running so well.

Another reason may be that the underpowered Celeron processor (Celerons arent that great) and the 512MB stick of RAM (today, I recommend AT LEAST 768MB for gaming) are holding your PC back.

Good luck... there are lots of options to get by with this problem, which include more RAM, a better processor, etc.

Oh, and does it do this on other games? Or just CS Source?
Only Source

This is the first game I havent been able t play on Max Settings. My friend is playing i on a 9200 so I dbout its my 9600.
I dont mind you bashing my CPU its a piece of crap and I know it.

What should I get The P4 3.2E or the P4 2.8C? which is the better deal?
JumaadJ said:
I dont mind you bashing my CPU its a piece of crap and I know it.

What should I get The P4 3.2E or the P4 2.8C? which is the better deal?

AMD -> that's the best deal ;)
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