Why Do We Freak Out?

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FadingTheory said:
I had a few sips of alcohol once (during a card game under peer pressure. I know, stupid stupid stupid), and I started to have chest pains. Not tingly, not a head ache, CHEST PAINS.

So I'm with you guys, no more drinking

Chest pains for drinking?

Only had that once, and that was because of a few reasons.

-1: I was already sick
-2: I ate NO FOOD
-3: I was doing strait vodka

I am a drinker (doesnt mean ima drunk) and I used to do drugs. Never really touched Acid though, really f*cked up.

But I can down like 20 drinks in a day and be fine :)
I get chest pains when I drink once in a while. It really depends on what I had to eat, or lack thereof. Sometimes they are near unbearable, and I really cannot tell if it is y chest or stomach hurting more. That has happend 2, maybe 3 times. I do however drink, casually and not casually. Because I drink, you cannot label me as an alcohol. Because I do drugs on an extreme rare occasion, you cannot call me a druggy.

I figure that people would be more mature about this thread, not all "Oh my god! He's talking about drugs! He's a druggy! dont associate him or he will kill you and rape your women until he gets his fix!"

Drugs are a huge part of our culture, of everyday life. If you think otherwise, you are naive and ignorant.
I honestly can't think of anybody besides myself that doesn't drink and do occasional weed. Pretty much everybody who has a social life does these things, although there are a few exceptions. I'm not sure if this is because it feels good, or everybody is weak and can't stand up to peer pressure.
Man........you guys who don't agree with his question, DONT FREAKIN POST........this isn't some freakin communistic forums where you gotta sit there and bash the dude just because you don't agree with something, that reminds me of freakin cartmans mom on south park....people who b!tch about crap that has nothing to do with them.

If you don't like it, or can't answer his question, don't freakin post you damned hippies.

Him - In simplest of terms....whatevers going on in your mind or your life at the time will be magnified 100 fold.....if you're thinking nothing but happy thoughts, have been having a good day, week, month, whatever and are care free, generally you'll be having a good time.........if it's the opposite of that, where things may have been shitty a few times out of the week or theres just otherwise things on your mind, those will be severely brought forth to the front of your concious and basically you'll be bombarded by these things you thought you had put away. Personally I've never done acid, I can say I've done my share of illegal subtances, and I have done shrooms, but that's different than acid, because technically shrooms is a poison that makes your body go crazy, whereas acid literally effects the synapsis of the brain to make you see shit that isn't there.....shrooms is generally colors and blurs not so much real life objects.

Anyway.....as I said......this isn't a discussion about whether or not drugs are bad, or any crap like that, so all you girl scouts need to shut the hell up if you don't want to participate in his question and thread.
Nubius said:
whatevers going on in your mind or your life at the time will be magnified 100 fold.....if you're thinking nothing but happy thoughts, have been having a good day, week, month, whatever and are care free, generally you'll be having a good time.........if it's the opposite of that, where things may have been shitty a few times out of the week or theres just otherwise things on your mind, those will be severely brought forth to the front of your concious and basically you'll be bombarded by these things you thought you had put away.

I've never done either acid or mushrooms, so I cannot possibly speak out of a personal experience. But from what I've what gathered, what Nubius said is a decent summed-up explanation.

Notice how when you're feeling good, and/or you're out having a good time, alchohol seems to amplify that feeling somehow and give you a warm glow inside? Ever been in a fit of giggles after smoking a joint with your friends? Now: Ever drank alchohol, or indeed smoked ganja when something important is getting you down? Ever notice that you can feel ten times more low than when you started out? Just a thought...

I'm not going to hand you any linkies, but search around the net long enough and you'll find all the info you need as to why these so-called mind-altering drugs (be they wild plants or factory produced tablets) do what they do, along with other's personal experiences, good and bad.

your drug information resource center :p

Better to learn about something if you're going to do it regardless than to just do it without knowing consequences.
Nubius is pretty much right, don't do any drugs if you're in a bad mood or had a really bad day. And keep food and water nearby to help end the trip if it turns bad. Probly won't work for acid but for other drugs it works.
beedubaya said:
I honestly can't think of anybody besides myself that doesn't drink and do occasional weed. Pretty much everybody who has a social life does these things, although there are a few exceptions. I'm not sure if this is because it feels good, or everybody is weak and can't stand up to peer pressure.

Like 80% of real DJ's dont do any drugs at all. And were the cool type (cept me) :cool:

And I agree with Doom UK. Same thing goes for pot and drinking, if you get drunk / stoned when your not soo well, you feel like shit during the time, Hell I have even drank and gotten terribly emotional once.

And about weed being a part of life. This is why. Most of America is poor and not soo well. You get out your 10$ bill, buy a dimebag.

Your all laughy and this is the best time you have had this month, and your shitty food tastes good. But the problem is this skyrockets out of control for this reason or other's, and it becomes a way of life.
16 million Americans are regular marijuana user, and 1/4 Americans have at least tried it once. It is obviously a big part of American life and culture, yet we can get arrested for it too! About 80% of drug-related arrests are for marijuana. If it were legalized, an *enormous* amount of public funds would be freed up to fight terrorism, the actually bad drugs (cocaine, etc.) or for public works programs to lift those same poor people out of poverty (CIA factbook says 12% of Americans live in poverty. More than in any other 1st world nation).
Plus, if it were legal, it could be regulated and controlled, just like the government controls tobacco/cigarettes. Drug use would also go down, as in The Netherlands, as it will eventually not be viewed as being "rebellious" and cool.
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