What do Americans think of Australians?

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I don't mind having huntsmans in the house. People just don't like them because they're big. And hairy.
I had two on the wall a couple of days ago.

Funnel webs on the other hand I really wouldn't want. Though you don't see them in Melbourne.
I would also like to add even tho' I am English, that we English think that the Kiwi's are a much better bunch of people!:thumbsup::wink_tongue:
I just want to know when you guys are going to make more Top Gear Australia? I like the original better but they just had a season and the Australian one is good to. I need my Top Gear fix...

Oh and I like the one Austrailian based Video Game reviewer that I know of. So say hi to Yahtzee for me.
my company keeps me tucked away in the basement. This keeps me unbiased.

when i think austrailia, i picture the building that looks like a bear claw
There's Nothing Like Australia [NSFW and may offend] Some one is paying out on the Australian Tourism.

We export that stuff for a reason. It's the worst tasting beer ever. Rather be drinking some thing like Tooheys, V.B. or even XXXX (Four X)*.

And when I am not drinking australian beers, I am enjoying Bundaberg Run with Coke.

* I only drink XXXX on a stinking hot day when I am travelling up north. Otherwise it tastes like garbage.
i just saw a spider that looked similar to that in my apartment a few days ago. not quite as big but it was big enough for me to pass on killing it with a shoe and opt for a CO2 powered bb gun, which worked quite well.
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