Weekend Gaming

Ugh you guys suck.
I have a PS4 and PC, got this game for free otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought it.
I wonder if the Unity works the same way online with the missions

I haven't tried the Unity co-op, but it seems similar. You can play the missions solo, with friends, or through matchmaking. Also, while roaming Paris in single player, you'll sometimes come across an NCP who's "glitching the animus."

He's indicated by a special icon on the map, and once he appears, you have about 15 seconds to speak to him if you want to join a session already in progress.
I have been playing Black Flag. Man..21 hours in and I've only completed 25% of it.

Loving it. Bought AC3 so I'd have a game in the pipe to play when I'm done with Black Flag.

Man ... just know that the controls in AC3 went back to being the buggy POS they were in the original AC.

Here's how it breaks down - the controls in the original AC were an unmitigated disaster. My gf watched me play part of it and was stunned. Want to run right and slip into stealth? Fantastic! You're going to jump left off a building and right into the guards chasing you. Want to move forward? No problem! Just as long as you want to run backward first, moving out of the group you were stealthed with, getting pushed by one of the crazy dudes and attracting guard attention and drawing aggro.

The. Controls. SUCKED.

I am not exaggerating when I say that I literally took that game into the parking lot when I finished it and beat it with my cane. My gf, who was also frustrated with the game, dropped a 15 lb. dumbbell on it. Repeatedly. Pretty sure I still have it here too.

AC2, ACB and ACR were all better. The controls weren't always great, but they worked, almost like Ubisoft fixed them and used the same code for all three games.

AC3 went right back to being busted. Hope you don't mind jumping out out of trees and breaking stealth when you're trying to free run through trees and follow a target. That's what you'll be getting with it. Want to move back? You move forward? Want to move left? You're going right. Want to dive into that haystack to hide? You're going to reverse direction.

AC: Black Flag, again, was better. Rogue was a bit worse than Black Flag, but not horribly. And I haven't touched Unity yet.

The only reason to play AC and AC3 is if you absolutely must know what happened to who, and when it happened. Otherwise, save your time and money.

Stealth missions suck in all games. I wish I liked them cause I would really like to finish Dishonored and Deus Ex but will probably never will

Same here. I gave up on Dishonored because i kept getting OCD on some of the missions and doing them over and over again to get the outcome i wanted. Same thing with the Hitman series. Great games but i just get too wrapped up in trying to perfect the missions the way i want and can't progress.

I finally gave up on a stealth playthrough of Dishonored. Now, Deus Ex: Human Revolution? I did stealth AND no kill. That was kinda fun. If frustrating at times.

I played some Titanfall with Snake and dipped more into the still buggy mess of Unity. I was going for 100% sync on a mission, and it took me about 45 minutes to accomplish something that should have only taken about 10 because the optional objectives never displayed during gameplay.

So I reloaded the checkpoint only to realize that by doing so they don't "unlock", and thus, doing them doesn't count toward anything, despite them now appearing on the pause screen checklist. I had to finish the mission, then replay it from start to finish in one perfect shot with the missed objectives for it to work properly, as well as watch the cutscenes again.

I got Unity for $30. I figure by the time I finish DAI, Alien Isolation, Murdered Soul Suspect, etc., it will have been patched to at least resemble something like a functional game. But I'm not firing it up any time soon.
The controls in AC3 were pretty rough in spots. I got used to it though. I enjoyed the game quite a bit because I'm fascinated with that period of our history.
I was gonna get unity when it was on sale for $30. I just wasn't sure on what system.
What are you guys playing it on?
I guess I'll get it on the PS4. I need to get off the PC anyways so my wife can play ocarina of time.
She's been depressed since she finished the Wind Waker on the WiiU
Wow where was it $30? I got it at walmart for $60

Are you asking about AC?
It was on sale at Amazon about 2 weeks ago.
That game isn't worth $60 anymore especially since they released an unfinished game
Btw one thing I love about FC is that they speak in Hindi, I'm not really Indian but I understand what they're saying and it's hilarious. It's funny hearing the accents and hearing them cus in hindi, my wife was watching tv and she looks at me like...omg did they just swear in hindi...haha. It's really entertaining.
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I heard a spoiler for the end of unity which is unbelievable.

But not in a good way.

Sent from my iPhone using tiny buttons. Sorry for the misspellings. Busy spinning Mana Wheels
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