Valve Responds to Left 4 Dead 2 Ban

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What? What could be put in windows to make it banned from Europe?

Google for WMP & EU and Just check the Windows area or the Win7 thread about the IE & Windows issue. Windows N edition was released to the EU countries cause of the bundling of WMP. So yeah it happens. The Browser thing set Microsoft over the top and now all versions of Windows will have a Browser Ballot screen. This has been talked about and known for some time.

So umm yeah, it happens. Alot more than you think.
I heard about this. Just goes to show how out of touch the government, the classification board's etc are.'d think the revenue generated from M rated video games would be sufficient to not ban them...well im glad i live here
It always makes me mad when I see democratic nations pull stupid crap like this. I'm not saying any government is perfect, but Australia seems to one the most "nanny-state" of Westernized democratic nations, especially with the internet censorship issue. Hopefully you guys get this cleared up.
It always makes me mad when I see democratic nations pull stupid crap like this. I'm not saying any government is perfect, but Australia seems to one the most "nanny-state" of Westernized democratic nations, especially with the internet censorship issue. Hopefully you guys get this cleared up.

Unfortunately there are just a few idiots in power that see the internet censorship and no 18+ game ratings as good ideas...

Otherwise our government is pretty transparent, we probably know more about whats going on in our government than any other country. There are just stupid things like this where one person in power wants a pet project or law, and they get it because none of the other pathetic pollies give a rats ***.
It always makes me mad when I see democratic nations pull stupid crap like this. I'm not saying any government is perfect, but Australia seems to one the most "nanny-state" of Westernized democratic nations, especially with the internet censorship issue. Hopefully you guys get this cleared up.
It's really not that bad, like I said everything can be imported and the internet censorship won't happen and if it does I doubt it would last. I would still consider us very much a free nation.
It's really not that bad, like I said everything can be imported and the internet censorship won't happen and if it does I doubt it would last. I would still consider us very much a free nation.

I never said AU wasn't a democratic nation, it just seems like you guys have a lot of difficulty with this sort of stuff.
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