Upgrading to Vista...


Beta member
Dallas, TX
My first question is in regards to updating the drivers (e.g., chipset, etc...). Do I need only the standard Vista drivers that Dell used in their Inspirons at the launch of Vista, or do I need to look for drivers, component by component? For example, my wife's Vista E1505, which is just a few months newer than my XP system, has an ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 graphics card, while my E1505 XP system has the x1300; thus my assumption that I need to look for drivers component by component.

My second question has to do with WHERE to find the updated drivers to upgrade to Vista. Dell doesn't make it easy. They don't have an "If you're upgrading this system to Vista you will need these drivers" section... so though I know that I can find Vista Drivers on the site, if it has to be a component by component driver update, I could be screwed; yes?

My laptop is "Vista Capable", which I know means that I won't be able to take advantage of some of Vista's features, and I am okay with that. My main concern is that I run an OS on here that will still receive necessary security updates.

If I posted this in the wrong forum, I am so sorry. I tried to pick the one to which it would be most relevant. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it.
If you type in your model on Dell's website on the "Drivers and Software" page you can choose your OS. If Dell doesn't have your OS available as a selection, then you'll need to do component by component.

The better thing to do would be to go to each component manufacturers' websites and get the latest driver for your particular piece of hardware for Vista to give a potentially more stable system.
In my computer shop, we do dozens of reloads a week. As you could imagine, we need to find hundreds of drivers a week at a constant pace. Some of those are hard to find, but we've got a program that installs almost all basic drivers a computer requires (Yes, it does nearly all chipsets) when it is being used. The version we got is out of date by a few years due to us not being knowledged on how to update it and keep the program running, but the drivers still work just fine.

I'll be uploading a link to the program when I get it hosted on a site for your convenience. I'll respond in a while I'm preparing the program now.
Wow, I don't know what to say; that's really nice of you. Thank you so much, that's just ridiculous cool. No worries about a couple of years out of date being as my system is 9 years old and Vista can't be much younger. Thank you.
Windows Update alone is pretty good about finding base drivers for most your critical hardware to operate. Aside from that, good luck. Vista is a waste, Win7 would be of more benefit if drivers exist.
Just updating that this is a 3.5gig program and I plan on having it posted around 12:00pm (-6:00) Central time today.
Here is a newer, updated version of DriverPack Solutions. The software I previously shared. You must install uTorrent in order to download this torrent, but it is very much worth this driver finding genious!

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