The Green LED epidemic

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Slam'n Systems said:
blue isnt really a color to be resurred everything is working ok. Blue can also mean that there may be a small problem (Kinda like yellow).

Think about it this way. USA, Stop lights are red showing Danger Stop. But it shows Green to Go because it should be safe since it is your turn. Green reasures people everywhere, thats why its everywhere.

I agree with your opinion about green, but not about blue being similar to yellow. Blue is second to green for reassurance in my mind...perhaps even a sort of 'neutral' color.

Green -working fine-
---dividing line between positive and negative---
Red -warning!-

Now for the REAL question...where does purple fit? :confused:
xotix said:
pyro u have 16, wow. what are all those for and on??

5 on my modem
2 on my 2nd computer
1 on:
  • Speaker
  • Monitor
  • Scanner
  • Phone
  • Intercom
  • Case
  • Webcam
  • Printer 1
  • Cd Burner

And forgot there are three on my keyboard.

Two reds one on my surge protector and on my case.

At night it makes for a pretty cool effect.
lets see...............5 on my motherboard.......3 on my lan card......1 monitor...1 on my subwoofer.....1 on printer......1 on scanner........3 on keyboard.......and i think that's all.....

So all together i got....15.....not to mention all the ones that i got lieing around in my droor
i have a fax-scaner-copier all in one thing so there are a lot, and i would have a lot more if i ahd my modem and router in my office.
Well, I had some green LED lights in my car. They broke. I put in some blue ones and they work fine. So to say that green means good, isn't always right. And by the way, my computer only has one light. A little white one that gets bright... then dim... then bright... then dim :)
mac_mogul said:
Well, I had some green LED lights in my car. They broke. I put in some blue ones and they work fine. So to say that green means good, isn't always right. And by the way, my computer only has one light. A little white one that gets bright... then dim... then bright... then dim :)

What about the LED's that indicate if Caps lock or Num lock is on?
oh, yeah, i have those, but they're never really on.

and the little white light is only on when the computer is in 'sleep' mode (makes a good nightlight :p)
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