TF Presidential Approval Poll (NO FLAMING!)

What Case Is Better?


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Who said I was accusing you????????

I said in the meaning that if anybody wants to mention 9.11 as bush's fault.

"And for all of the democrats that are going to say"
how can you all say that Bush (what a name...) did great in handling anything during his presidency? he didn't do S***!!!!

what freedom? please, open your eyes! the war was unnecessary, ANY war is unnecessary and the people that make decisions regarding this country are people you'll never see on TV, you'll never know their names. Bush does/did nothig. he IS nothing.

I don't see how you think the war in IRAQ is or was unnecessary.

The only thing unnecessary is that we play by the rules, and they don't.
kostas said:
how can you all say that Bush (what a name...) did great in handling anything during his presidency? he didn't do S***!!!!

what freedom? please, open your eyes! the war was unnecessary, ANY war is unnecessary and the people that make decisions regarding this country are people you'll never see on TV, you'll never know their names. Bush does/did nothig. he IS nothing.

Oh a liberal i see........... Well you liberals always need to find something to complain about....

And what do you mean he did nothing?? Have we been attacked by terrorists since 9/11?

I like how your so voiced in your opinion of the current govt, if you dont like it, go back to wherever you came from. I will show you the door.

Got it?
macdude425 said:
That sentence was supposed to mean (They) Didn't say that.

the democrats fat fanboy Michael Moore already said it, it seems all of you liberals follow alot of hot air that is coming out of his fat greasy mouth.
hey uzi9mm, read the thread title and stop the flaming, this thread was pretty civil so far

It isnt necessarily a liberal versus conservative thing either, all that does is show the typical knee jerk reaction one dimensional thinking.....kinda like assuming there's only two OS's out there, mac and windows.

Lets look at this from a true conservative point of view. Bush may cliam to have "conservative" values but his policies show otherwise. Rampant deficit spending, huge increases in government size, inneffective response to crisis, misuse of military force, and the list goes on and on.......these are NOT conservative values or policies. True conservatives and republicans should be really really pissed by now, and some are, and rightfully so.

Stop with the straw man arguments unless you want embarrassed, cause a few of us are more than capable of that if you want flamed in return.
horndude said:
hey uzi9mm, read the thread title and stop the flaming, this thread was pretty civil so far

Stop with the straw man arguments unless you want embarrassed, cause a few of us are more than capable of that if you want flamed in return.

Oh really??? Check out the definition of flaming first, than get back to me.
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