
Which 2D fighting games is best?

  • Street Fighter (SF)

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  • The King of Fighters (KOF)

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  • Some other 2D fighting game...

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  • I don't know... :o

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You guys tried to invade us. We won the first time, and you backed down the second time.
No idea what you mean by the "first" and "second" time but I presume you are making reference to the war of 1812 in one of them...I took American history last year and I can tell despite the fact that no maps were drawn and in theory there was no land transfer between the two powers, americans most certainly got more out of that war than the british, and yes at the time we were british despite what you want to argue

For example, impressment was a large issue with american sailors being captured by the british navy and drafted considering the british refused to accept american documentation and assumed you were british and drafted you to the navy...that act was abolished after the war

Furthermore, as part of the cease fire agreement after the revolution, the ohio valley area was to be given to the colonies, however british fur traders continued to occupy forts in that area regardless...they moved out after the war

And if you are looking at sheer influence, the american navy defeated the most powerful navy in the world in lake erie which is certainly saying a lot for a country not even 50 years old taking on a huge imperial power

To the person talking about reshaping Europe, again a debatable topic...WW1 was most certainly won without US support considering american soldiers didn't get to the front until 1918 and even then were poorly trained compared to the other triple entente countries, they may have provided ecomonical support and supplies but the british naval blockade had already pretty much starved the supplies out of germany

WW2 would have been won without the American involvement unless you want to include american supplies sent to the USSR...the soviets singlehandedly absorbed and eventually repelled the blitzgreig that point the germans would have either diverted forces from the western front to the eastern front making a "D-day" type landing easier for the allies...or the soviets would have just kept pushing through and possibly other countries such as west germany and italy and possibly even france may have become part of the soviet buffer zone and warsaw pact
You guys tried to invade us. We won the first time, and you backed down the second time.
Yeah, as gaara said, assuming you're talking about the war of 1812.....ehh, I wouldn't consider the US as a whole complete nation by that point, definitely not anywhere close to a super power like the US is today.

Although I'd never wish it because there's absolutely no reason to, I don't believe there would be a loss if another war were to break out between our nations especially considering canada is more of a 'peace loving nation' as far as I can tell.

But it's useless even talking about it as it's all speculation and there would be lots of losses on each side, but I certainly wouldn't compare a war that was almost 200 years ago with the likes of our armies today.

The way you word your sentence makes it sound like we just had a war like 10 years ago or something.
BRreed said:
Pres Clinton served our country well by not doing much of anything. That means nothing all that bad, and nothing all that great.
Did nothing? Clinton did more for our country than any president since JFK/LBJ. He gave us one of our biggest economic expansions in history, raised the living and income standards for all Americans, reworked what was a horrific welfare system, and spear headed the war against terrorism. Only after Sept 11 did Bush see the logic in Clinton's reasoning here. The Clinton administration thought up the Department of Homeland Security. That whole project was canned by Dubya until after the Sept. 11th attacks and then revitalized by him, who happily took full credit. Read Bill's book it costs $5 for the paperback.
Wiretapping, NSA in windows watching you, advapi32.dll, former pot head, utter idiot

enough said
Washington, Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Clinton have been our greatest presidents, IMO.

I have to say, I'm very impressed with this thread. Somehow, someway, this thread has stayed civil :)

I'm just going to jump in here and say that I disapprove of Bush (hate him actually, but whatever) for any and all of the reasons mentioned.

Chankama said:
Had Bush allowed more intelligence, the safety in the US would be much better.

While I agree with 99% of the post, I can't say I agree with that. Its bad enough that the guy was spying on his own people without telling them, I'd hate to see it go ANY further. Yes, he should've concentrated on other issues, besdies Iraq.

BRreed said:
By that I mean we may take more, but we also give more.
Stop. Lies. Most countries give .07% or so of their money as aid to other countries or something like that. Sorry to say, the US gives .01%.

gaara said:
To the person talking about reshaping Europe, again a debatable topic...WW1 was most certainly won without US support considering american soldiers didn't get to the front until 1918 and even then were poorly trained compared to the other triple entente countries, they may have provided ecomonical support and supplies but the british naval blockade had already pretty much starved the supplies out of germany.

Apparently they teach different histories in the US and Canada.

gaara said:
WW2 would have been won without the American involvement unless you want to include american supplies sent to the USSR...the soviets singlehandedly absorbed and eventually repelled the blitzgreig that point the germans would have either diverted forces from the western front to the eastern front making a "D-day" type landing easier for the allies...or the soviets would have just kept pushing through and possibly other countries such as west germany and italy and possibly even france may have become part of the soviet buffer zone and warsaw pact

What was that? That was the most messed up speculation I've ever seen. France was demolished, the British were getting their a$$es kicked, and Russia was owning themselves. I should know, I just took a test on this today in US History. The reason the US came into the war was because Churchill came to Roosevelt and told him that the British wouldn't be able to pay for War Supplies for much longer. Roosevelt signed the Atlantic Charter off the coast of Newfoundland and entered the US into the war. US troops were CRUCIAL in the D-Day invasion, and without US support, Britain would have fallen far before the invasion even took place.

Face it. The United States was the deciding factor in both wars. Without US suport, both wars would've gone to the Germans (if WWII had even happened). But what you can't say is that the US was the only one that defeated the Axis. They weren't. But they WERE the deciding factor. The world DOES owe the US of the past.

Now, the US is going through it's ****. Yes, it is indeed admirible that the Australians have stuck with us all these years.
Now, the US is going through it's ****. Yes, it is indeed admirible that the Australians have stuck with us all these years.

you saved our asses back in the pacific. I will always respect america for that. who knows how many australians would have lived if we went under. judgeing by how the japs treated there POW' say none.
We definately need a presedent more on the center of the issues, not too liberal or not too conservative. That isn't going to happen though as devided as liberals and conservatives are over gay marriage and abortion.
I'm Canadian and I think Bush is horrible. Why? He is evil no doubt and the funny thing is he is great at covering up the 9/11 thing. John Kerry is the same story but at least he isn't a ****. What's next for America? No one knows with him in office.
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