Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Today I shutdown my DPS, several servers in my home, and have closed all email accounts, along with facebook (myspace was still active, its gone now) and put out notice that all my projects have come to an end. Tommorow I will be calling my ISP and closing my account there as well.

don't ragequit... if you don't want your hardware you can give it to me...
Re: Today I have...

^you have to be into the whole open world quest thing. Its driven by a storyline so its not whenever u want to do a question for the bigger ones but u can do them when u want and most of them in any order u want. The fun part was the coop, i played with a few people through the game several times with several characters. I have it for xbox as well. Total playthrough count probably about 8.
Re: Today I have...

I am pretty much; I love Oblivion and Skyrim. I guess the world just didn't appeal to me.
At least I got it half price :p why couldn't Steam just put it 75% off in the first place rather than half price then an extra 25% a couple of days later.
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