Possible new linux user!

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Systems Engineer
United States
Hey guys... after upgrading my system, I realized i have parts to build another system. It wouldn't be anything spectacular, but it would work! I'm thinking of trying out Linux. I have *barely* even seen it let alone use it. I have heard so much about it though it makes me want to try it. I really dont know anything about it. I do understand that there are two "types"... command line and GUI. I would definitely rather use a GUI. I do know command line stuff, (i've been using dos since i was 3) i would rather have a GUI.

Basically what i'm asking for is some general noob info. I downloaded Ubuntu (i heard that was the best noob distribution) last night and i'm "researching" Fedora 4. Fedora looks like it would be much better than Ubuntu, but i have no idea. I will most likely try them both. One of the main reasons i downloaded Ubuntu was because it has that Live CD option, so I could try it out before building a linux system.

Also, if I build this system, I would like it to be networked with my current system (see sig). Are things like File sharing, internet sharing, printer, etc etc possible? Again, I dont know much about Linux. I know that those are possible between linux systems, but i wouldn't have the slightest clue how to get it to work with XP.

Any thoughts/comments/ideas would be helpful. Hopefully, I will be able to catch on quick (i know Dos and windows inside and out)... i just wanted to try something new. Also, the rest of my family wont be able to touch it... they are windows freaks.

EDIT: New question. I know Gnome and KDE are GUI's, but what is the difference? What does Fedora use? LOL... i feel so stupid now.
Crysalis said:
Also, if I build this system, I would like it to be networked with my current system (see sig). Are things like File sharing, internet sharing, printer, etc etc possible? Again, I dont know much about Linux. I know that those are possible between linux systems, but i wouldn't have the slightest clue how to get it to work with XP.
All of that is possible, have a look at samba for file sharing, cups for printing and how much you need to do for ICS depends on which computer you want as the gateway
Crysalis said:
Any thoughts/comments/ideas would be helpful. Hopefully, I will be able to catch on quick (i know Dos and windows inside and out)... i just wanted to try something new. Also, the rest of my family wont be able to touch it... they are windows freaks.
Just remember, that linux is different to windows, just because you are able with Windows doesn't mean you can work Linux without learning first. It is like living in the UK all your life and only speaking English, then suddenly put in france and told to function as a human being ie: interact with others, get a job, etc.

As long as you prepared to do a lot of reading and searching on google you'll be fine, a lot of people have a problem because they think that as they know Windows they should be able to use linux to the same level without learning anything about it.

Crysalis said:
EDIT: New question. I know Gnome and KDE are GUI's, but what is the difference? What does Fedora use? LOL... i feel so stupid now.
They are made by different groups of developers? KDE is based on the qt gui library, gnome is based on gtk. The great thing about linux and opensource in general is choice, there are many applications that do the same job, its up to the user to try them and pick the one they most like.

As for ICS, I already built my own network. My whole house is networked already (all windows systems). If I do linux, i would put it next to my windows system (sig). Can I connect them through a router/ethernet? The computer that "distributes" the internet is not in the same room... the house is on a phoneline network (didn't feel like running cat5 through the house), so the system in my sig is running of a phoneline network. Would I hook that computer up with ethernet from WIN PC > Router > Linux PC?

thx for the tips... i'm always willing to learn something new... its just finding the stuff first (which i am).
Yes, you would use a hub or switch not a router though.

Or you could use a crossover patch lead and connect the ethernet port of the linux machine to the ethernet port of the windows machine directly

You'd then set ICS on the win pc and on the linux machine set the internet gatway to the IP of the win pc
Ubuntu's definitely a great place to start. Check HERE for a wealth of information on how to install/configure stuff.

As for the Gnome/KDE question...
Download Kubuntu as well - it's the KDE version of the original Ubuntu (which uses Gnome) - and see which one you like best!! I personally prefer Gnome.

I wouldn't worry about your old hardware - I have ubuntu running on a old Pentium MMX laptop (<= 333mhz?) with 64MB of RAM and can surf wirelessly anywhere in my house. I use XFCE4 (a 'light' window manager) instead of Gnome/KDE and it runs perfectly (this set up is known as Xubuntu).
I also recommend Ubuntu as a n00b linux distro. Fedora is not as user-friendly, but maybe that's my anti-RedHat bias ;). Definately play around with the different window managers, as having choices is what Linux is all about. I prefer XFCE, but everyone likes something different. I wouldn't bother with using the kubuntu cd to install though, just install with the regular Ubuntu cd and if you want to use KDE instead, install it through Synaptic.
well i dont know why everyone just so much praises ubuntu. when i ran its live cd i didnt find it that must good. ( although i am a complete newbie and pardon me if i am wrong ok!) i now have installed 'mandriva' linux( earlier mandrake) and it seems it is quite good !! also i have used fedora core 3 ( havent gotten a chance to lay my hands on fedora core 4) and it is also up to the mark ( according to me that is!). so before you get yourself a permanent OS do some research work not only on the net but also among a few linux users. check out their reviews and then go ahead! goodluck !! c ya!!
simple said:
well i dont know why everyone just so much praises ubuntu. when i ran its live cd i didnt find it that must good. ( although i am a complete newbie and pardon me if i am wrong ok!) i now have installed 'mandriva' linux( earlier mandrake) and it seems it is quite good !! also i have used fedora core 3 ( havent gotten a chance to lay my hands on fedora core 4) and it is also up to the mark ( according to me that is!). so before you get yourself a permanent OS do some research work not only on the net but also among a few linux users. check out their reviews and then go ahead! goodluck !! c ya!!

I'm with simple on this one I also think Ubuntu (as it is now) is A waste of time, but that is just me, if you feel that Ubuntu is a good starting point then may I reccomend 4.10 and not 5.10, 4.10 had great usability and was much more user friendly.

You can D/L it by following the Link Below


Also I Would reccomend A few Others:




Please note SUSE is not for everyone, it is A simple distro with A nice fusion Between both KDE and Gnome environments and should give you a look and the pros and cons of both environments

Hope this Helps,

This is where i get confused. Am i going to have to "install" a bunch of pieces parts? I get recommended to ubuntu, then i gotta use this, that, and the other thing plus i have to install this other thing. WHAT IS ALL THIS STUFF!!! LOL

From I'm getting, i'm installing the OS and thats it. No interface, no software, nothing. Right? Wrong? Thats where i'm lost. I understand it all, but not sure what in tarnation to do. Like Samba, XFCE, etc etc etc.

Like I said, I'm a TOTAL noob. I have seen maybe 2-3 screenshots of Linux and thats about it. I dont know commands, i dont know how to switch from command line to GUI, etc etc. I've searched everything i can possible search and I can't find anything. All i get is information on distro's, what they do, the stinking history of it and then all of the other applications you have to use just to start it up. I dont find anything on how to actually USE the system. I see tons on how to install, configure (sorta), etc, but not how to move around or use it. Now i'm lost. lol... thanks for the help though... i really appreciate it.
I think you trying to understand how all the system works before even touching an install disk. This ain't going to happen. You need to install linux on your spare machine and search solutions for each little problem as and when they come up.

Imagine a Mac user who has only heard of Windows coming to you and asking you how to install Windows+drivers+software+utilities+security and at the same time asking questions like how do you set up file sharing, whats the start button do, then multiply that by 10 because linux gives you so much more control, then thats the sort of position your putting us into with your questions - theres just far too much to write down in one go and certainly far too much to drag out of my poor little brain in one go

Just get it installed, keeping your other Windows machine close by with your browser and google handy, and then if your really stuck you can ask specific questions on messageboards like this one
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