*Official* Bad Company 2 Vietnam Thread

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I was out of town this weekend and have family in over the next couple weeks, but I'm hoping to get it purchased and at least play a little bit.
I am really enjoying it, been playing since the 18th and it's a blast. I think i kind of prefer it to BC2. There is a lot more happening, in a good way. Those crazy intense moments that you got in BC2 once in a while is constant in Vietnam, it's great fun. Although you do find you get naded a lot, especially on some maps. There is one map which in rush mode is ridiculous, two choke points literally 15 meters away from each other and it's just horrific. But kinda funny, too.

But yeah, less sniping. Still there, but less so.

One thing is annoying me though, i don't know if it's a bug, glitch, or on purpose but... EVERYTIME I JUMP OUT A ******* DAMAGED/CRASHING HELICOPTER I GET -10 POINTS FOR SUICIDE, AND IF I'M THE PILOT I GET A LOAD OF TEAMKILLS WHEN EVERYONE JUMPS OUT. AND ITS REALLY REALLY **** *** ANNOYING.

Sorry about that, but it ****es me off to an extreme level.
^ I get the helicopter team kill thing a LOT in BC2, but never in Vietnam yet :tongue:

I've come to learn the M16 is the best Assault weapon :tongue: the M14 bounces around too much.
IMHO its ok to my taste, i just prefer the modernized weaponry and armor opposed to Vietnam. Dont get me wrong its a good game just for me it will never beat the fun that BC2 offers. Vietnam just doesn't seem as polished
Well figured out ,i think , why i was getting full freeze = forces me to shut down completely via power button and reboot . My monitor software said my fans were 100% - but you could barely hear them. So, I went into catalyst and manually put the fans up to 80% and wow a lot more fans noise- but just played for nearly an hour without any freezes. Why would my fans fail to increase if temps were getting too high to the level of a freeze? I will play some this weekend and then if no more freezes I will definitely download Vietnam.
Vietnam, I found was way more demanding then the main game. I personally think that is looked better and was more detailed. Either way, there was a frame rate drop and heat rise when playing Vietnam appose the main game.
My boys bought me Vietnam for Xmas- so I guess I have no choice. See you all there. Still cant figure out why my fans were not turning up if heat was building in GPU or CPU - shouldn't that happen automatically?
well so much for thinking I fixed the issue- just froze again - never left the spawn area- so no way for it to be a heat issue. Maybe a catalyst problem- have driver sweeper but do not know how to use it. Will ask in appropriate area for help.
The only graphical difference I found was that vietnam was very white. I had to turn bloom off to make it look right. It doesn't seem any more demanding.
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