New Microsoft Exchange support guy = Me!


Beta member
St Louis
Good morning all!,

So i've recently started a new job where I went from 1st and 2nd line phone support for a major LMS, to local LMS internal IT guy! I couldn't be more excited to have the new job, but with the new job, comes new responsibilities (and lots of them). I'm in the process of learning everything I can in terms of Support for Office 365 from an Admin perspective.

The first thing I've been tasked with is learning to Support all the ins and outs of Microsoft Exchange (for office 365 / 2016 version). In searching the web I have found more information than i know what to do with.

That said i thought I would jump out here and check with the experts. Does anybody out there have a good jumping off point they can direct me to? I'm about as Novice as it gets when it comes to Office 365, and even more so in terms of Exchange!! Is there an "Exchange for dummies" out there perhaps? Just looking for something that truly takes me from Point A and moves forward.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Prefer free resources, but paid ones would be an option as well, based on the learning / training I could get.

Thanks all,
We are running Exchange 2010 but are upgrading to Exchange 2013. What I would suggest is reading architecture documentation on the deployment. Get a feel for what each server does (CAS vs DB vs HT) and understand how they work together. In Exchange 2010 they separated all roles, in 2013 they are combining them, not sure what they are doing with 2016. Once you understand what each role does I would then look at some best practices from microsoft maybe pickup an admin guide from the book store. Not sure how much experience you have with Exchange but you can always ask forums, other engineers the in's and outs and specific questions you may have.

Congrats on the new job and welcome to the forum - i'm originally from St. Louis, what area are you in now?
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