Never buy a mountain dew slushie from Sheetz...

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Daemon Poster
About a hour ago I went to Sheetz (A quickmart...a really nice one), and bought some mellow yellow, lots of candy, and a 44oz Mountain Dew Slushie. I got about a third of the way through the slushie when I noticed that it tasted funny, and then I smelled smelled like whiskie! I'm like...what the!??! My brother and parents confirmed it....I'm never buying one of those again......and if you never see me on here again...then you know what happened. ;)
whiskey in the mountain dew!? Isn't that an extra bonus!?

That's not as bad as the time I went to a place called Toms burgers down here and found a fuggin thumbnail in my soft drink....mind you this was AFTER I had finished the damn thing because it was on the bottom under the was all bloody and covered with skin.....j/k it was a girls fake thumbnail but still, I was like WTF IS THIS!?
Nubius said:
whiskey in the mountain dew!? Isn't that an extra bonus!?

That's not as bad as the time I went to a place called Toms burgers down here and found a fuggin thumbnail in my soft drink....mind you this was AFTER I had finished the damn thing because it was on the bottom under the was all bloody and covered with skin.....j/k it was a girls fake thumbnail but still, I was like WTF IS THIS!?

awwwwwwwwwwwww ssssiiiiiick
Lol dude i would have just drank the whole thing would have been good. maybe the Guy put it in for you :p.
Actually, it was a chick, and I got it on my second trip in there within 2 minutes. I went in and got my candy and pop, but completely forgot my slushie. So, I had to go back in and get it. At the counter I said, 'I knew I was forgetting something"...she laughed...she probably knew all along. Actually, I just think that the mountain dew syrup was fermented.
Man, if I got whiskey in a drink I would kneel down and praise the lord.... I BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, the place is called Sheetz? That's hillarious :D I go to Sheetz for the shizal.....
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