Need advice on upgrading for The Sims 2! HELP!

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Solid State Member
Hi, guys.

I'm not a hardcore PC gamer, but like many people, I am a complete and total Sims fanatic. I have bought the Sims 2, but I am aware that I need upgrades to be able to play it at the quality I'd like. Here the sys. requirements:

800 MHz processor
256 MB RAM
Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System.
At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space
A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.

My computer runs with:
1 Ghz AMD Athlon processor
248 MB RAM
Windows XP
S3 Graphics Pro card

I have already made arrangements to double or even max out (768mb) my memory. However, I'm not sure what video card to get. I have an AGP slot, and I want good quality, but I don't know what my pc can handle. Should I even get a new, better processor?

Please help!
Nous .. U'll need to mention the make /model of your mobo for us to have an idea of what AGP card would work best for ya ...

Also mention the money ur willing to spend on it.
Is this the right info?

Model : AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
Speed : 1.00GHz
Model Number : 1002 (estimated)
Performance Rating : PR1333 (estimated)
Type : Standard
Package : Socket A PGA
Multiplier : 10/1x
Generation : G7
Name : Athlon M4 (Thunderbird) 180nm 650-1.4GHz 1.7-1.8V
Revision/Stepping : 4 / 4 (0)
Stepping Mask : A9
Core Voltage Rating : 1.750V
Maximum Physical / Virtual Addressing : 36-bit / 32-bit
Native Page Size : 4kB

Co-Processor (FPU)
Type : Built-in
Revision/Stepping : 4 / 4 (0)

Processor Cache(s)
Internal Data Cache : 64kB Synchronous Write-Back (2-way, 64 byte line size)
Internal Instruction Cache : 64kB Synchronous Write-Back (2-way, 64 byte line size)
L2 On-board Cache : 256kB ECC Synchronous Write-Back (16-way, 64 byte line size)
L2 Cache Multiplier : 1/1x (1002MHz)

Socket/Slot : U12A
Upgrade Interface : ZIF Socket
Supported Speed(s) : 1.10GHz+
I honestly don't know where to look... I'm dumb on computers when it gets this deep...
I know somebody will suggest it, so I am going to pre-inform you that you don't need a top-of-the line card like the GeForce 6800, which many here will suggest, to play the Sims. A Radeon 9600XT or Pro will do more than fine. :)
Ok, guys, I did a lot of research and I see that there's no way I need an upper level card like some of those suggested. I'm gonna max out my memory than I'm looking to get an NVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS/Pro/Ti. That should work in my system well, right?
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