Interesting situation

Yes, the lego games are also a great choice. It is based on other series/franchises (story wise) so it is easy to relate. Mixed in with the 'lego' humor and you can't go wrong really...


Heavy Rain isn't a good choice - it feels more like a tech demo than a game. Same with a title like Mirror's Edge.

Open world games are too big, most FPS games are too bombastic (when I played Blops, my gf asked me how I could stand the noise and the surprises, etc.).

You want to give them something that's relatively linear but has an engaging story (or no story at all). You want to give them something that isn't too long, but also isn't too short. You want the gameplay to be as intuitive as possible. You don't want to give them something that might trigger an adverse reaction (i.e. studies showing that some folks with PTSD may react to COD, etc. - yes, I'm aware other studies suggesting the contrary also exist, but still - you don't want your recommendation to be the one that turns that person away from gaming), so avoiding violence/language/sex/etc. is also a good idea.

Flower is a good choice. So is Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 3, although the twitch reflexes may be frustrating for some folks and the Uncharted games are a bit more violent than I'd like for something I'd be recommending to a potential first-time gamer.

I think I'd go with one of the Lego games, either Star Wars or Indiana Jones, because both properties are widely known. The games have simple controls, they let people jump in and out, and there isn't a lot of backstory required or tutorial sequences needed.

Alternately, something like Rock Band wouldn't be terrible either.

The key to making a good recommendation isn't you and your tastes - it's thinking about the person you're recommending something to, and getting as much info as you can about what they like and what they're interested in. It doesn't matter whether you like FPS games if they don't, and it doesn't matter how great a platforming title might be if they don't like side-scrollers.
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