Install osTicket for a free (open source) help desk tool

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Golden Master
Install osTicket for a free (open source) help desk tool

The consulting firm I work for has tasked me with finding a good help desk system for us to use. I have spent quite a bit of time trying to find a solution that both has the features we need and isn't too costly. There are a LOT of help desk tools available. Some of them simply price themselves out of the middle-market. Others just don't have the necessary features. Still, some don't work. So this task has become quite the chore.
But during this process I thought I would share with you some of the tools I have tried. This one in particular is an open source trouble ticket tool called osTicket. osTicket has a fair amount of features – especially for a free system. It's not ideal, but it's far from the bottom of the barrel. The installation is fairly simple and straight-forward. And, it requires a database, so you know your tickets will scale better than your average ticket system using a flat file.
In this article I will show you how to get osTicket up and running.
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