Half-Life Speculations

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Desktop Engineer
East Coast, US
Obviously there is ALOT Valve isn't telling us, hopefully they will reveal more in Aftermath, and in the years to come, Half-Life 3. One thing I have always thought about the G-Man is, maybe he isn't real? What if he's all part of Gordons imagination, part of the trauma from Half-Life 1 he experienced, a made up character spawned from his emotional grief from what he did? Not only does this make perfect sense, I have a couple points to prove it. One, every time you talk to him, your in a bizzare atmosphere with things going on in the background like Gordon is hallucinating. G-man moves around little and disapears.... Another, you see him throughout the game in various places. How did he get there without the other creatures seeing him? Where did he go? Why is he there?

You will also notice G-man appears in the tram before it all happens in Half-Life 1. Maybe that suggests Gordon already had a problem and what happened in the lab pushed him over the edge for a full blown imaginary character. In Half-Life 2 you also see him on a TV for a split second after walking in a room, with other people there watching it. Soon after he dissapears and that Dr. Breen guy comes on, suggesting you were the only one that saw him. You and only You are always the only one to see him. He's Gordon's paranoia and ultimate result of his experiences in Black Mesa.

Let's here what you guys think about what Valve might not be telling us. Feel free to comment on what I think too.
I don't think gman is in gordon's head. What about in Opposing Force? The gman leaves you all by yourself in xen. He also rescues you from toxic waste by opening a door.
G-man never appeared in Opposing Force from what I remember. And in the end when you kill the monster in Half-Life 1 you "magically" appear on a tram traveling through space, and guess who's there? G-man. Hallucination? I think so. Everything you think the G-man does you could be imagining because your looking through Gordons eyes.
A theory that makes sense. I don't browse the steam forums anymore, but there's tons of threads like this one over there. All kinds of arguments everywhich way. Some quite convincing.
All I know is G-Man gives me the creeps...i dunno why but he does. Especially when I saw him in the boat level of Half Life 2.

P.S. He is actually one character I find can be creepy in a totally lighted setting.
dude, you better stop these GMan conspiracies or next thing you know YOU'LL be at black mesa
Thresh said:
G-man never appeared in Opposing Force from what I remember. And in the end when you kill the monster in Half-Life 1 you "magically" appear on a tram traveling through space, and guess who's there? G-man. Hallucination? I think so. Everything you think the G-man does you could be imagining because your looking through Gordons eyes.

He does appear in opposing force :)

And the G-Man is real because Gordon Freeman has not aged at all in the game, and everyone else has. Eli says that he hasnt changed at all and I think barney throws in a comment
Yeah your right, hmmm very weird. Maybe only certain people can see him? Anyway, gman froze gordon to put him in safety while all that combine crap was going on, thats why he didn't age.
As long as everything doesn't turn out to be a dream, ala' Dynasty, I'll be fine with it. Speaking of which, who here would like to see a HL2 expansion pack where you can play as Adrian Shepard?
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